Sunday, 7 October 2012

piazolla on sunday eve...

the room is dimmed on this sunday evening and i can feel mr. winter has quietly arrived. wrapped in my throw and night gown, i'm accompanied by piazolla's strings. it matches my mood perfectly. i have my eyes closed for a minute. maybe i have to get used to all these, and stop feeling sorry for myself. maybe it's time to stand up for myself too... yet i'm all too weak. too weak to even compose my already disorientated vision. maybe the question is how to regain composure.. im scared. im scared of myself.

Saturday, 30 June 2012

Fifteen years on

I was such a naive girl with massive ego 15 years ago.
I was only 13.
I was happily awaiting my Year 7 final results and the beginning of summer holidays.
I was also deeply saddened by the departure of the last HK Governor and his family, a tear stung my face when the HMY Britannia drifting along the harbor, becoming smaller and smaller until she disappeared gracefully, with pride and honor, into the darkness of Pacific Ocean.

The first of July 1997 marked the historical day in this little fishing village in the South-East. Fifteen years on, I am now a grown-up living in the Motherland. I first thought of writing this in my mother tongue. Strangely enough, it feels more natural to pour out in English. Even stranger is - how Honkers are still regrettably attached to the British reign (I know it sounds uber politically incorrect).

I was lucky to be born in early 80s, able to experience the less turbulent era and enjoy the wealth of cultural freedom and be a little witness of the last few years of HK as a British colony. The little touches have since faded - the coins with Queen's face, the red postboxes, the stamps, the public holiday of Queen's birthday, and the English and colony flags. These are however only the physical features, with a lot subtle replacements that only a local could tell. It may be wrong to express an opinion - having not lived at home for 11 years I do not feel the most appropriate to comment.

'I have relinquished the administration of this government. God Save the Queen. Patten.' The last telegraph sent to Her Majesty at 00:00 HKT1st July 1997, aboard with his family and two little Norfolk terriers, as well as the Prince, drew a line of the British rule for HK. A very beautiful line that would always earn him pride and praise amongst those who had the fortune to taste. A very beautiful line that the city and history will never forget.

Saturday, 23 June 2012


最近於YOUTUBE 上看了黎小姐 WINIFRED 上年替衛視拍的 <時尚達人>, 她說時裝好聽, 始終她於這行打滾了多年, 可是, 當她自稱文化人, 作家, 資深傳媒人時, 就真的不敢恭維了... 甚至有點笑壞人. 她於節目訪問了不同品牌負責人, 包括McLaren - 她竟然問 '你們這新車用了橙色, 是不是要加強時代感?' ; 跟心齋主理人談, 又問何謂食素, 何是吃齋... 當然, 我不怪她沒見識, 但訪問別人前不是該先做做家課, 免得失禮人前. 再說, 她不斷地拋英文單字, 我想當年能以 3A 入港大COMPARATIVE LIT 都該說得口流利英語嘛.... 說時遲, 那時快, 她以英文作訪問, 立刻露了底.... 結果只惹得人貽笑大方.

又或者,不需太執著? 最近看<飲食男女> 一篇關於挪威的遊食記, 90% 資料都是老作. 那位小記定必覺得外國的月亮特別圓, 他/她只是寫浪漫散文, 但也懇請下回附句 '全屬虛構'...

其實, 可能我太脫節, 跟不上時代步伐...

Friday, 1 June 2012

i am beginning to seriously wonder what i'm doing or what i should be doing?

the random and lively bunni is gone. maybe she should wander in the forest again - there are beautiful exotic mushrooms awaiting her no? and in this forest she knows no one is fighting with/ against her. all she could risk is to pick a poisonous one...

you'll be surprised if there're no surprises. so the room was too small for any audio, and a speaker almost suffered from a heart attack and had to step out yesterday.

this morning when i arrived at 815 i thought it's still early to finish my yoghurt. then came a gentleman with a big smile. he extended his hand and said thomas i'm - my chairman! he was such a nice guy that i owed him a massive favor.  i was so so so impressed that someone so high up could be so down to earth. i've seen a lot of fake people here in this industry. people call themselves an EVP or MD and boss ppl around. when you do get to meet such sincere people you couldn't help looking up to them.

and my rustic norwegian surprised the two who halted abruptly and asked if i'd just spoken norwegian to them :)

Monday, 7 May 2012


我呆呆的躺在沙發上, 髮根仍有點濕. 沒有焦點的向窗外望, 雨,一絲絲的落下, 輕得如紗如雪, 生怕發出半點聲響擾人甜夢.

也記不起多久沒這樣發夢, 元神出了, 心境平和了許多. 案頭仍有一堆, 卻提不起勁, 這樣的偷閒, 才是奢侈. 每日的奔波營役, 使人忘了如何還原基本.

記起兒時也愛看雨, 在這狹小的空間我創造了無邊無旦的宇宙, 卻只能容下我一人.


註. 很久沒寫中文, 字忘了怎樣寫, 句子也不通...很吃力..

Monday, 13 February 2012

Happy V's Day

或者 轉折漸太多 遺忘怎擁抱你

或者 擁緊偏已斷氣

情人們一呼一吸相愛到底 結局或同樣

仍想將你我這幕 演得更理想

如能重修好一雙 不要再想 再一刻誰亦要退下場

Sunday, 29 January 2012

is it so hard to pull a smile? do i have the strength to fight against all demons..?

Thursday, 26 January 2012

is this worth hanging onto? or is it going to vapourise soon?
over and over and over
you could just tell
that maybe everything is wrong

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

do we really weigh 21g?