Monday, 29 November 2010

the more i think about it the more i find this ridiculous or myself ridiculous. i can only recall those vivid flashbacks which are not so great. in so many ways they are my ghosts . and this's the reason why i hate birthdays.

Sunday, 28 November 2010


the curtains of noughties will soon be drawn. on a beautiful sunday i watch the clouds move and form, regaining my consiousness from the not too helpful pills, while Jeff Buckley sings for me. everything is so peaceful and i was absorbed in my on reflection. i've truly been a super blessed lucky bird. our lives crossed and paths intertwined. it was an adventure for me, if not us. thank you for everything, for everything we shared and learned.

now i equip myself for another journey. what the future beholds i've not a single clue. i try to enjoy everyday and i know you'll guide me all along, as destiny calls.

how much i wish you could sing with me, laze with me, and just be with me. it wont be long before you bring me warmth again.

i give thanks for always being loved and cared for. <3


其實真係唔可以改變人0既性格同思想. 幾件事睇到好多唔同0既野.